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A financial advisor <a href=" ">costco pharmacy in hazlet nj</a> Before women start weighing up potential life partners by what they feel when the men look straight ahead and cough, however, it should be noted that it&#8217;s not clear what comes first. Does simply having kids shrink the size of testicles? Unlikely, says Rilling. Nonfathers&#8217; scrota were also put under the MRI, to check that parenting was not the sole determinant of size. &#8220;We don&#8217;t know the direction of the causality,&#8221; he admits. &#8220;It could be that as men become more involved in caregiving the testes shrink.&#8221; But he believes it&#8217;s more likely that guys with a little less in the sack are a little better with the crib.