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Melanie pregunto:
Free medical insurance <a href=" ">best quotes against drugs</a> So the numerous parts in the Bible where it clearly states that life is breathed into the nostrils is just another verse we can completely ignore? The jewish law, as mentioned in the article, says life does not exist until the first breath. They get this from the Torah, also known as the old testament in the Bible. I get that most christians do not read their Bible and all, but seriously. The Bible is pretty clear that life begins at the first breath. An all knowing God would not make this claim back then if it was not important for the future. It is apparently important right now when defining life. Which God already did. All of you satanic Christians that do not like God´s rules need to go back to worship your master satan who has deceived you into not reading your Bible and believing that life begins at conception. Damn satanist! Go read your Bible and quit putting words in God´s mouth like lucifer wants.